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G. M. Van Der Allsvoort, W. C. M. Resing, A. J. J. M. Ruijssenaars Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training
. The book contains chapters with respect to research on learning potential assessment and cognitive training. Moreover, several contributions discuss the relationship between individual learning and social interaction during learning potential
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C.C. Edwards TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator for Dummies
With tips that work for earlier versions, too Get a handle on the tool that does everything from basic math to probabilities! Count yourself fortunate to have found this book! It?ll help you squeeze all the value from this handy
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Iris Blanc, Cathy Vento Performing With Microsoft Word 2002 Comprehensive Course
The Performing Series takes students to a higher level of learning through applied and project-based activities that go beyond the mechanics of the software.
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Nicholas Chase XML Primer Plus
This book presents XML programming from a conceptual perspective, teaching not just the technology, but the background and thinking behind it. Developers learn to do it right, gaining a thorough understanding of the hows and the whys from the
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