Greg Kramer

The Suffering: Official Strategy Guide

BradyGames' The Suffering Official Strategy Guide features a detailed walkthrough leading players through the horrific nightmare--no matter which ending they choose. Unstoppable boss strategies and an in-depth bestiary. Complete item and ...

Sanjeev Rohilla

Microsoft ADO.NET Professional Projects

Use ADO.NET to accomplish real-world, professional tasks. ADO.NET Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of ADO.NET. Each project focuses on a specific concept and is based on a real-world situation. Enhance your skills as you work ...

Molly E. Holzschlag

Sams Teach Yourself Adobe LiveMotion 2 in 24 Hours

LiveMotion is Adobe's premiere Web graphics and animation design tool. It allows designers to work with vector and raster graphics in an easy-to-use environment, with an interface that is designed to be both intuitive and familiar to those who ...

Don Willmott

PC Magazine Best of the Internet (Digital Lifestyle)

With millions of Web sites out there, how do you find the good ones? Ask your friends at PC Magazine! Forget those laundry-list catalogs that give you hundreds of URLs and nothing more! Don Willmott, PC Magazine contributing editor, has ...

<<<  Jack McCullough. 185 Wireless Secrets: Unleash the Power ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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