Deanne C. Siemer, Frank D. Rothschild, Edward R. Stein, Samuel H. Solomon

Powerpoint for Litigators: How to Create Demonstrative Exhibits and Illustrative AIDS for Trial, Mediation, and Arbitration

Written by litigators for litigators, Powerpoint for Litigators teaches you not only how to create PowerPoint slide presentations, but also how to fashion slides for successful and persuasive advocacy in trial, mediation, arbitration, and appeal. ...

Lyn Malone, Anita M. Palmer, Christine L. Voigt

Mapping Our World: GIS Lessons for Educators

Providing a complete resource for any teacher seeking a way to bring GIS technology into the middle- or high-school classroom, this educational package is a comprehensive collection of world geography lessons, lesson plans, exercises, and assessment ...

Ed Robinson, Michael James Bond

Security for Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

This is the first book every Visual Basic .NET programmer should read on security. This is an end-to-end guide, with clear prescriptive guidance for best practices, application design, and coding techniques for Windows and Web-based applications. ...

Mario E. Moreira

Software Configuration Management Implementation Roadmap

SCM practices are recognised as core functional areas in assisting a project team to identify, control, audit, and report on all configuration items of a project. Consequently they are then better able to control changes to the working ...

<<<  Mike Schiffman, Bill Pennington, David Pollino, Adam J. O'Donnell. Hacker's ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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