Sandra Chisholm deYonge

The Last Bit Bear, 20th Anniversary Edition : A Fable

Book DescriptionThis special all-color edition of a classic children's enviromental fable tells the story of Clover, the last bear of his kind, and his search for theleaves of th moak tree--the food upon which his life depends! ...

Luciana Galliano

Yogaku: Japanese Music in the 20th Century : Japanese Music in the 20th Century

Book DescriptionYogaku discusses over a century of musical activity in Japan, detailing, in particular, the music that was inspired by Western music after the Meiji Restoration in the 19th century, and its development through the end of the 20th ...

Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Book DescriptionTom Sawyer remains one of the most beloved characters in the history of fiction, and this best-selling reading gives Tom and his adventures new life. All the memorable characters and scenes are here in this unabridged version: Aunt ...

Ryan Fredric Steinbeck

Upper Level Disturbance

Book Description Many times the troubles that constitute disturbances in the mind seem to collaborate with the outside world. It?s almost as if they teamed up to challenge the psyche and push it to its limits. It appears the world and the minds ...

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