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Cris Freddi Footballers' Haircuts
Book DescriptionNowadays, hardly a week goes by without the front pages being overtaken by pictures of David Beckham's latest hairstyle. Being hailed recently as 'the most influential man in Britain', and an all-round style icon, it's easy to forget
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Robert D. Schmidt Business Objects: Complete Report Writing Course
Book DescriptionThis course is designed to teach the basics through advance reporting techniques and skills. People taking this course should have experience using some sort of reporting tool, such as BusinessObjects, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft
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Keith Ronald Perry The Kingfish in Fiction: Huey P. Long and the Modern American Novel (Southern Literary Studies)
Book DescriptionThe controversial, almost mythic Louisiana politician Huey P. Long inspired not just one but six American novels, published between 1934 and 1946. And he continues to resonate in American cultural memory, appearing in a 1995 work
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Bill Crawford Please Pass the Biscuits, Pappy: Pictures of Governor W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniel (Clifton and Shirley Caldwell Texas Heritage Series)
Book DescriptionLong before movie stars Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger became governors of California, a popular radio personality with no previous political experience--who wasn't even registered to vote--swept into the governor's office
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