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Doris Elaine Fell Betrayal in Paris
Book DescriptionA double betrayal decades apart leaves a family at odds and siblings in rivalry. In the favorite son's quest to restore his father's honor, he is left behind on foreign soil-the victim of a different war, the victim of the same
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The Shape Game (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honors (Awards))
Book Description Art makes a difference! The same family that had such an enlightening experience in Anthony Browne's Zoo is now going to an art museum, Mom's choice for her birthday treat. But wisecracking Dad and their two sons
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Daniel Ellsberg Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
Book DescriptionIn 1971 former Cold War hard-liner Daniel Ellsberg made history by releasing the Pentagon Papers-a 7,000-page top-secret study of U.S. decision-making in Vietnam-to the New York Times and Washington Post . The document
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Victoria Harmer Breast Cancer : Nursing Care and Management
Book DescriptionThis comprehensive book is for all nurses and other health professionals involved in the care of people with breast cancer and covers all aspects of the subject. It gives sound evidence-based information and advice on the nursing
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