Howard Maxford

The A-Z of Hitchcock: The Ultimate Reference Guide

Book Description For the legion of Alfred Hitchcock's fans: a totally new reference book on the career of one of finest and best loved directors in history. This unique compendium covers his entire career in a user-friendly, easy-reference, ...

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Mosses from an Old Manse (Modern Library Classics)

Book Description Mosses from an Old Manse is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s second story collection, first published in 1846 in two volumes and featuring sketches and tales written over a span of more than twenty years, including such classics as ...

Elisabeth Vincentelli

Abba's Abba Gold

"Thirty Three and a Third" is a new series of short books about critically acclaimed and much-loved albums of the last 40 years. The authors provide fresh, original perspectives ? often through their access to and relationships with the key ...

Colin D. Johnson

Pancreatic Disease

Book DescriptionPancreatic Disease: Basic Science and Clinical Management summarises the state of the art in basic science and clinical management of pancreatic disease. This book provides a clear and up-to-date review of the advancing areas in ...

<<<  Tony Lee Moral. Hitchcock and the Making of ...             Paul Preuss. Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 2 >>>

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