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Georgia Lepper Categories in Text and Talk: A Practical Introduction to Categorization Analysis (Introducing Qualitative Methods Series)
This is the first practical book on how to apply Harvey Sacks' membership categorization analysis technique, an increasingly influential method for conversation analysis. Categorization analysis is a
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Edith N. Wagner, Jessika Sobanski, Erika Warecki, Edith Wasner BASIC SKILLS FOR COLLEGE
This guide gives aspiring and current college students help in developing the critical skills of grammar, reading, writing, and math. Many students entering college need refresher courses in these areas in order to qualify for doing accredited work;
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T. F. Peterson Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at Mit
Before the term hacking became associated with computers, MIT undergraduates used it to describe any activity that took their minds off studying, suggested an unusual solution to a technical problem, or generally fostered nondestructive mischief.
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Barbara J. Hall, Herbert J. Oyer, William H. Haas Speech, Language, and Hearing Disorders: A Guide for the Teacher (3rd Edition)
This book provides pre- and in-service teachers with information on the ability of schools to include and treat students with speech, language, and hearing problems, and on the role the teacher should play in this process.
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Тольятти, Улан-Удэ, Саратов, Орск, Калининград, Ухта, Якутск, Балашиха, Ачинск, Тверь, Уфа, Санкт-Петербург, Северск, Миасс, Владивосток, Калуга, Саранск,
Фармакология. Рецептура. Токсикология| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Фитнес| Арабский, турецкий, иврит| Живопись| Макроэкономика| Алгебра. Геометрия| Финансовый анализ, оценка, учет и планирование. Бюджет| Рок-музыка| Деловая литература| Познавательные программы| На немецком языке| Психология| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Индийские мелодрамы| Теория и методика воспитани| Оперетты| Древний мир| Триллеры| История СССР| Фильмы об убийцах| Справочная литература| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Древний мир| Воздушный транспорт. Космонавтика|
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