Ilse Crawford

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Book Description In a rapidly changing world and with increasingly difficult and stressful lives, what we all need is a sanctuary where we can feel comforted, tranquil and content. In Home Is Where the Heart Is, celebrated designer Ilse Crawford ...

Tad Burness

The Vintage House Book: Classic American Homes 1880-1980

Book DescriptionFollow the progression of the American home with this latest creation from the Tad Burness studio. This one of a kind collection features historical, exciting, and beautiful home s from 1880 to 1980. Each yearly section presents ...

32 Beijing/New York

Book DescriptionThis new issues of the radical architectural journal 32 builds on its inaugural year success while maintaining its edgy, experimental character. Critical texts by some of today's most influential architects are paired with large, ...

Andrea Oppenheimer Dean

Proceed and Be Bold : Rural Studio After Samuel Mockbee

Book Description"Everyone, rich or poor, deserves a shelter for the soul."?Samuel MockbeeBased on this simple premise, in 1992 Samuel Mockbee launched the Rural Studio to create homes and community buildings for the poor while offering hands-on ...

<<<  Maureen Lamarca, Daria Price Bowman. Pleasures ...             Paul Preuss. Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 2 >>>

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