Arthur Miller

The Man Who Had All the Luck (Penguin Classics)

Book Description It took more than fifty years for The Man Who Had All the Luck to be appreciated for what it truly is: the first stirrings of a genius that would go on to blossom in such masterpieces as Death of a Salesman and ...

Ivy Press

The Coward's Diy Body Piercing Kit

Book Description Are you ready to turn from daytime square to nighttime raver? The Coward's DIY Body Piercing Kit is the solution for your daring aspirations of rebellion without any of the pain, blood, or permanent scarring. For all would-be ...

Phil Patton

Glamour : Fashion, Industrial Design, Architecture

Book Description As one of the most alluring yet elusive concepts in contemporary style, glamour is an ideal that permeates our visual culture. This lavishly illustrated book radically revises our understanding of glamour in fashion, industrial ...

Pedro Meyer

The Real and the True : The Digital Photography of Pedro Meyer

Book Description This fascinating, full-color volume brings together Meyer's photographs and his essays from ZoneZero, the international photography Web site he founded, along with other experts' commentary on his work. In one section, Meyer ...

<<<  Ken McMahon. Paint Shop Pro 9 for Photographers             Томас Костейн. Томас Костейн. Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 1. ... >>>

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