Norman Mack

Missouri's Silver Age: Silversmiths Of The 1800s

Book DescriptionThe result of nearly two decades of intensive research by Norman Mack and his late wife, Beatrice Davidow Mack, Missouri?s Silver Age: Silversmiths of the 1800s is a comprehensive directory of nineteenth-century Missouri ...

R. H. Cravens

Photography Past/Forward : Aperture at Fifty

Book Description Since its founding in 1952, Aperture has grown from a small periodical to a cultural phenomenon that reaches the largest and most diverse audience for significant photography worldwide. By examining it's own history, ...

Shaun Cole

Dialogue : Relationships in Graphic Design

Book Description This innovative series highlights the crucial role of design in today's culture. Who are the creators of the things that surround us? What drives the thinking behind the development of new products? Through interviews with designers ...

Christopher Ailsby

Hitler's Renegades: Foreign Nationals in the Service of the Third Reich

Book DescriptionOne of the least palatable but most fascinating aspects of World War II was the integration of willing foreign volunteers into the German Army and Waffen-SS. From countries ranging from India to the Balkans, entire divisions were ...

<<<  What Right? : Graphic Interpretations Against ...             Томас Костейн. Томас Костейн. Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 1. ... >>>

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