Mary Jane Phillips-Matz

Leonard Warren : American Baritone (Opera Biography Series, No. 13)

Book DescriptionThe great baritone Leonard Warren was history's most notable interpreter of Verdi, making his mark in the title roles of Rigoletto, Macbeth and Simon Boccanegra. Warren's dramatic death over 40 years ago is famous: he collapsed and ...

Mason Hayek

Seeing & Drawing

Book Description Anyone who can put a pen to paper can learn to produce realistic drawings--especially with the help of a skilled artist who knows how to break down the techniques into manageable bites. Using exquisite examples of his own work, ...

Taprarmiuni Kassiyulriit: Stebbins Dance Festival

Book DescriptionAnatole Bogeyaktuk and Charlie Steve were members of the last generation of Yup?ik men to be raised in the qasgi (communal men?s house) and witness first-hand the dances and gift-giving that were so much a part of ...

Donald Leslie Johnson

The Fountainheads: Wright, Rand, the FBI and Hollywood

Book DescriptionSpeculation abounds about the relationship between Frank Lloyd Wright and Ayn Rand. Was Wright the inspiration for Howard Roark, the architect hero of Rand?s The Fountainhead ? What can be made of their collaboration on ...

<<<  Jeffrey Sweet. Something Wonderful Right Away: An Oral History of the Second ...             Томас Костейн. Томас Костейн. Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 1. ... >>>

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