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Charles Wolf Straddling Economics & Politics : Issues in Asia, the United States and the Global Economy
Book DescriptionThis collection of essays examines the case for and against globalization, the effects of U.S. economic and foreign policy, and numerous issues related to Asian economics and politics. Published in prominent journals and news media
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Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges A Tale of Three Cities: Or the Glocalization of City Management
Book DescriptionThis book examines the effects of globalization at the local level within our everyday lives. Rather than seeing the city as a conurbation, a location of economic activity or in terms of governance and administration, Czarniawska
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Reforming The World Trading System: Legitimacy, Efficiency, And Democratic Governance (International Economic Law)
Book DescriptionThe 1994 agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) regulates over 95% of world trade amongst 148 member countries. The November 2001 Declaration of the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Doha, Quatar, has
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James R. Hedges Hedges on Hedge Funds : How to Successfully Analyze and Select an Investment (Wiley Finance)
Book DescriptionA just-in-time guide to hedge fund investing Today, access to hedge funds is increasingly available to average investors through "funds of hedge funds" and other registered products. These vehicles allow investors to invest as
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