Kellie M. Gillespie

Teen Volunteer Services in Libraries

Book DescriptionAimed at both experienced and new volunteer managers, this guide offers practical advice about starting and maintaining effective teen volunteer programs in school and public libraries. With sensitivity for teens' special needs and ...

Nina Mjagkij

Light in the Darkness: African Americans and the Ymca, 1852-1946

Book DescriptionWhen it emerged in the United States in 1852, the Young Men?s Christian Association excluded blacks from membership in white branches but encouraged blacks to form their own associations and to join the Christian brotherhood on ...

Essays in Honor of William N. Kinnard, Jr. (Research Issues in Real Estate)

Book Description The first section of the book contains seven original essays, arranged in order to coincide with Bill's (chronological) professional career. These essays cover a wide variety of real estate topics, including valuation theory, ...

C. Joyce Farrar-Rosemon

How to Be the Head and Not the Tail! A Christian Manifesto for Making Six Figures

Book DescriptionGod wants his people to be successful at what he calls them to do. Using her own achievement as a real estate broker as an example, Joyce Farrar-Rosemon outlines the Christian principles and policies that can help every person ...

<<<  Simon Bell. How to Set Up Information Systems: ...             Томас Костейн. Томас Костейн. Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 1. ... >>>

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