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Global Regulation : Managing Crises After the Imperial Turn
Book Description When the United States and Britain invaded Iraq in 2003 it seemed as if they also tore up the fabric of global governance of the world economy. But this governance was already contested and the world economy, the contributors
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From Underdogs To Tigers: The Rise And Growth Of The Software Industry In Brazil, China, India, Ireland, And Isreal
Book DescriptionIn 1980 the Indian software industry was practically non-existent. By the 1990s the industry was one of the largest employers in manufacturing. Similar patterns of growth can be found in other emerging economies. So given that the
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Anjali Kumar Access to Financial Services in Brazil (Directions in Development)
There has been a growing awareness worldwide that financial exclusion reduces the potential welfare of individuals and the productivity of enterprises in an economy. This study focuses on the delivery of financial services to one of the world’s most
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Trade and Development: Directions for the 21st Century (In Association With Unctad)
Book DescriptionThis book questions what enduring lessons have been learned about the interdependence of international trade and economic development during the last fifty years. Since the end of the Cold War and the advent of the WTO, developing
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