Clayton E Crooks

The gmax Handbook (Game Development Series) (Game Development Series)

Book Description After playing the same levels or flying the same airplane over and over, many avid gamers quickly tire of their games. Now, with gmax supported games, they have a 3D modeling tool that is easy to use, comes with documentation, and ...

Wetfeet Staff

The WetFeet Insider Guide to Industries and Careers for MBAs

Book DescriptionWetFeet brings to you this brand new guide -- a compilation of industry and career profiles geared toward the MBA jobseeker. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a broad range of information about careers and industries, ...

Bob Kitchen

It's Your First Year Teaching... But You Don't Have to Act Like It

Book DescriptionMany colleges aren't teaching teachers what they really need to know, and as a result, thousands of teachers are fleeing the profession on an annual basis. Bob Kitchen offers practical advice, not teacher speak rhetoric that helps in ...

Economic Reform and the Liberalisation of the Indian Economy: Essays in Honour of Richard T. Shand

Book DescriptionA decade after the implementation of the initial wave of economic reforms in India, the process of transforming the country into a fully developed market economy continues. A hallmark of the globalized economy is its ability to ...

<<<  Nancy Fredericks. Dancing on the Glass Ceiling : Find Your ...             Томас Костейн. Томас Костейн. Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 1. ... >>>

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