Mark S. Scarberry, Grant W. Newton, Kenneth N. Klee, Steve H. Nickles

Business Reorganization in Bankruptcy, Cases and Materials

Includes a combination of explanatory text, cases, and problems that permit the professor to use either a problem-based approach or a more traditional case-based approach. Ample explanatory text orients students to the issues and helps them bring a ...

Roger Slater

Integrated Process Management: A Quality Model

This book describes Integrated Process Management, a six-step model which clearly shows how to institutionalize process standards, their measurements, and their management. Also shown is how to computerize them. The book details this unique ...

Harrison M. Wadsworth, Kenneth S. Stephens, A. Blanton Godfrey

Modern Methods For Quality Control and Improvement, 2nd Edition

This is a revision of a classic! This text provides a single source for information on both the structure and management of quality systems and the use of statistics to control and improve quality. It incorporates an international flavor and a good ...

D.J. Petty, D.K. Harrison

Systems for Plannnig and Control in Manufacturing

The book is divided into two sections: Section 1 - Introduces the subject as a whole and describes the key generic tools and techniques to support the manufacturing organisation. Section 2 - Modern planning and control methods at a detailed ...

<<<  L. J., III Bourgeois, Irene M. Duhaime, J. L. Stimpert, Larry Stimpert. ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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