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Talking Business: Making Communication Work
Internal communication is a growing field with the number of specialists increasing worldwide. In spite of this, and vast increases in spending on communication, research shows that organizations are finding it difficult to raise the number of
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George W. Overton, Jeannie Carmedelle Frey Guidebook for Directors of Nonprofit Corporations
A new edition of the ABA's most popular title, this guidebook is designed for directors and prospective directors of all types of nonprofit corporations. The Guidebook written in plain-English commentary, addresses general legal principles and
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Jon R. Katzenbach Why Pride Matters More Than Money: The Power of the World's Greatest Motivational Force
The book that turns our understanding of motivation on its head . . . and shows why most companies get it wrong. There are few people with more experience and accumulated wisdom about the inner workings of business and how people can work
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Stefan H. Thomke Experimentation Matters: Unlocking the Potential of New Technologies for Innovation
Revolutionizing Innovation and Performance Through New Experimentation Technologies Every company's ability to innovate depends on a process of experimentation whereby new products and services are created and existing ones improved.
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