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Eric Gunnerson A Programmer's Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
This comprehensive reference to the C# language is designed to help you get up to speed on C#. Author Eric Gunnerson, a developer on Microsoft's C# design team, has logged many hours writing and testing C# code. Thus, he is uniquely poised to
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Joseph O'Rourke Computational Geometry in C (Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science)
This is the newly revised and expanded edition of the popular introduction to the design and implementation of geometry algorithms arising in areas such as computer graphics, robotics, and engineering design. The second edition contains material on
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Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates Head First EJB (Brain-Friendly Study Guides)
What do Ford Financial, IBM, and Victoria's Secret have in common? Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). As the industry standard for platform-independent reusable business components, EJB has just become Sun Microsystem's latest developer certification.
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Hans Bergsten JavaServer Pages, 3rd Edition
JavaServer Pages (JSP) has built a huge following since the release of JSP 1.0 in 1999, providing Enterprise Java developers with a flexible tool for development of dynamic web sites and web applications. While point releases over the years, along
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