Robert Ericsson

Building Business Intelligence Applications with .NET

Data is the lifeblood of modern business. As computerized systems have spread throughout all facets of business, the amount of data collected has exploded. Data is captured in almost every consumer activity, and most of this data ends up in some ...

Diane Downey, Tom March, Adena Berkman

Assimilating New Leaders : The Key to Executive Retention

Newly hired senior executives don't need any help, right? After all, they're getting paid top dollar for knowing their stuff! The reality is that executives often do need guidance and support when joining an organization. In fact, a recent ...

Christopher G. Pike

Virtual Monopoly: Building an Intellectual Property Strategy for Creative Advantage--From Patents to Trademarks, From Copyrights to Design Rights

True creativity and differentiation is recognizable instantly. The Volkswagen Beetle. The music of Bob Dylan. Microsoft's operating system. The exhaust noise of a Harley-Davidson. But having a unique technology, brand, design, or content isn't ...

Jim Warner

Aspirations of Greatness: Mapping the Mid-Life Leaders Reconnection to Self and Soul

ASPIRATIONS of Greatness Mapping the Midlife Leader?s Reconnection to Self and Soul We often assume that money and success bring fulfillment. But achievement, especially in business, has its costs. Read the statements below and ...

<<<  Michael Feiner. The Feiner Points of Leadership: The ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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