Thomas Johnson

Data Analysis with JMP-IN« 4.0

The book provides step-by-step instructions in enough detail to allow a user to turn to any section once they know the basics of the JMP® program and the brief form in which the instructions are written. Both the order of the topics and the ...

Neil Spencer

SAS Programming: The One-Day Course

Aimed at researchers and students , SAS Programming: The One-Day Course provides an introduction to the SAS programming language. It gives the reader a start in SAS programming and the basic data manipulations and statistical summaries that are ...

Maura E. Stokes, Charles S. Davis, Gary G. Koch

Categorical Data Analysis Using the SAS System

Statisticians and researchers will find this book auseful discussion of categorical data analysis techniques as well as an invaluable aid in applying these methods with the SAS System. Practical examples from a broad range of applications illustrate ...

John Eddison

Quantitative Investigations in the Biosciences using MINITAB

Until recently, acquiring a background in the basic methodological principles that apply to most types of investigations meant struggling to obtain results through laborious calculations. The advent of statistical software packages has removed much ...

<<<  Pascal Roques. UML in Practice : The Art of Modeling Software ...             Renet L. Bender, William N. Bender. Computer-Assisted Instruction ... >>>

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