Ali Rahim

Contemporary Techniques in Architecture (Architectural Design)

This publication addresses the most far-reaching and innovative developments in digital practice to have taken place in the last five years. It demonstrates how experimental architects are being challenged at a new rigorous intellectual level and ...

Neal Koblitz

Towards a Quarter-Century of Public Key Cryptography: A Special Issue of Designs, Codes and Cryptography : An International Journal : Volume 19, Number 2/3 (2000)

Towards a Quarter-Century of Public Key Cryptography brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Towards a Quarter-Century of Public Key Cryptography serves as an excellent ...

Elgon Williams

One Over X (Episode One) From the Inside to the Closer

There are no paradoxes; everything is an illusion. In the technopolis of New Amsterdam, the largest city on the continent, Andy Hunter is a lower level technician lost in the tangled confusion of all the ?What ifs? of life. The question ...

Heinrich M. Schoening

Business Management of Telecommunications

With the increasing necessity of today?s use of telecommunications technologies, businesses need to manage their telecommunications machines effectively to derive the benefits of telecommunication technology. This book provides readers with the ...

<<<  Maria Joao Rodrigues. European Policies for a Knowledge ...             Renet L. Bender, William N. Bender. Computer-Assisted Instruction ... >>>

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