Marilyn Dover Newman

CyberLit, Online Connections to Children's Literature for the Primary Grades

This book is a compilation of outstanding children's authors' websites, children's literature websites, and notable storybook character websites that go beyond the ordinary content. Provided at your fingertips, this directory helps teachers to ...

Joey F. George

Computers in Society

This book focuses around the social and ethic issues that companies face everyday in doing business. It is a collection of 37 articles from experts in the social issues of computing, exploring the most pressing issues in information technology ...

Klaus W. Grewlich

Governance in "Cyberspace: Access and Public Interest in Global Communications (Law and Electronic Commerce, V. 9)

`Cyberspace' is the emerging invisible, intangible world of electronic information and processes stored at multiple interconnected sites. The digital revolution leads to `convergence' (of telecommunications, computer/Internet and broadcasting) and ...

D. Partridge, Derek Partridge

Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of the Future

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Understanding the Promise of the Future The computer is a surprisingly seductive device. It tempts us with the promise of its great power, but also entices the unwary to overstep the bounds of ...

<<<  Stephen D. Tansey. Business, Information ...             Renet L. Bender, William N. Bender. Computer-Assisted Instruction ... >>>

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