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Timothy D. Wells Dynamic Software Development: Managing Projects in Flux
The ever changing nature of information makes the job of managing software development notoriously difficult. Dynamic Software Development: Managing Projects in Flux eases the burden by defining the principles, practices, skills, and techniques
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Ali Zilouchian, Mohammad Jamshidi Intelligent Control Systems Using Soft Computing Methodologies
In recent years, intelligent control has emerged as one of the most active and fruitful areas of research and development. Until now, however, there has been no comprehensive text that explores the subject with focus on the design and analysis of
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Gilbert Held Enhancing LAN Performance, Fourth Edition
Providing up-to-date information on practical methods that improve network efficiency, this book covers how to estimate network traffic, determine availability and reliability of different network configurations, and ascertain the number of ports
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Camille McCue Finding What You Want On the Web (Cliffs Notes)
Packed with time-saving tips, tricks, and techniques, this no-nonsense guide shows you step-by-step how to find what you want online.
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