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Edward Finch, Edward, Msc, Phd Finch Net Gain in Construction, Using the Internet in Construction Management
Managers in the design and construction industry are increasingly aware of the need for interoperability - the capacity to exchange information with other organisations in a seamless manner. New technology can provide many tools to aid
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Jimin He Internet Resources for Engineers: A Practical Handbook for Engineers & Students
Internet Resources for Engineers will be supported by a website to provide easily accessible and up-to-date information that becomes available after publication. Internet Resources for Engineers is the first in a series of Internet
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Nora Paul, Margot Williams, Paula Hane Great Scouts! : CyberGuides for Subject Searching on the Web
The most common complaint about the World Wide Web is its vast resources. This book highlights specific subject areas and outlines the best starting points for finding information quickly. From travel advise to medical information and government
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Katherine Murray Get Your Family on the Internet in a Weekend (In a Weekend (Premier Press))
PCs arent just for grown-ups anymore. Today, more than half of the homes in America have family PCs. This book is a fun, hands-on, weekend-based tutorial that walks parents and children through the steps of accessing and navigating the Net for fun
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