Teri Stokes, Ronald C. Branning, Kenneth G. Chapman, Heinrich J. Hambloch, Anthony J. Trill

Good Computer Validation Practices: Common Sense Implementation

This sensible text on computer systems validation examines the regulatory and practical issues of computer validation from a global perspective and provides a common-sense approach to getting the job done. Combining the insights of an ...

Jeffrey Wheat, Randy Hiser, Jackie Tucker, Alicia Neely, Andy McCullough

Designing a Wireless Network

Wireless network design presents the IT professional with unique obstacles. Your network requires the seamless and secure distribution of information, in spite of competing communication protocols, incompatible hardware platforms, and narrow ...

Rosenzweig. Aaron, Guy Kawasaki, Charles W. Moore, Aaron Rosenzweig

Old Fart's Guide to the Macintosh second edition

Everyone can benefit from interaction with a Macintosh. This book takes the unique approach of introducing computers to those people who did not grow up with them, paying particular interest to those of us who are over fifty years young. ...

Aryya Gangopadhyay

Managing Business With Electronic Commerce: Issues and Trends

Because the field of electronic commerce has continued to expand so significantly in recent years, it has become necessary for businesses and organizations to address ways to develop successful business applications that aid in its effective ...

<<<  Todd Stubbs. Introduction to Operating Systems: ...             Renet L. Bender, William N. Bender. Computer-Assisted Instruction ... >>>

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