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Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Michael Mick Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques
Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques provides step-by-step instructions accompanied by full-color screen shots, helping students learn basic FrontPage 2002 skills quickly
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Gregory Brill CodeNotes for XML
CodeNotes provides the most succinct, accurate, and speedy way for a developer to ramp up on a new technology or language. Unlike other programming books, CodeNotes drills down to the core aspects of a technology, focusing on the key
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Terry T. Wohlers, Terry Wohlers Applying AutoCAD (R) 2000: A Step by Step Approach
This reorganized, updated edition teaches students both the basic and advanced CAD skills used in industry.
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John Walkenbach Excel VBA Programming For Dummies® (FOR DUMMIES (COMPUTER/TECH))
Shows ordinary users how to harness the power of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and create custom Excel applications This book introduces people to a wide array of new Excel options, including creating new worksheet
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