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Steve Oualline Practical C++ Programming, Second Edition
C++ is a powerful, highly flexible, and adaptable programming language that allows software engineers to organize and process information quickly and effectively. But this high-level language is relatively difficult to master, even if you already
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John Walkenbach Microsoft® Excel 2000 Bible
If you're looking for inside information and time-saving tips to maximize the power of Excel on your desktop and on the Web, then look no further than the Gold Edition of the best-selling Microsoft Excel 2000 Bible . Author John Walkenbach, a
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David Hodgson Half-Life 2 (PC) (Prima Official Game Guide)
Essential strategies and maps for all 14 mission chapters Complete bestiary tactics, including how to take on the monsters and Combine forces In-depth evidence of all G-Man locations Deep combat strategy against the oppressive forces of
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Aron Hsiao Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux Fedora in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself)
Linux is an operating system, based on Unix, that has become a viable desktop system for many users, especially those involved with system and network administration. This book covers all the most important topics for the reader who wants
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