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Lita Linzer Schwartz Why Give "Gifts" to the Gifted?: Investing in a National Resource
This provocative book argues that the educational opportunities given to gifted individuals are neither elitist nor undemocratic as critics charge. The author describes the types of giftedness, giving nine categories of options for enhancing the
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Cheri Huber Sex and Money: Are Dirty, Aren't They
Sex and Money is a guided journal that provides exercises to lead readers to look at their attitudes, beliefs, and struggles with sex and money, subjects often thought to be outside the realm of spiritual practice. Essays on topics such
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John S. Page Cost Estimating Manual for Pipelines and Marine Structures : New Printing 1999 (Estimator's Man-Hour Library)
These time-honored manuals provide the tried-and-true information you need for making the most thorough and accurate labor and cost estimates in the most efficient manner. The hundreds of man-hour tables in these manuals are the product of hundreds
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Linda Brakeall, Anna Wildermuth Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Women in Business
Business/Women/Self-Help - You will improve your professional life! Learn how easy it is to: Make your outside match your inside. Get respect at work. Feel, look and act successful and confident. Create a sharper image - even in
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