Jeffrey Scott Wolfe, Lisa B. Proszek

Social Security Disability and the Legal Professional (West Legal Studies (Paperback))

More than 500,000 hearings each year appear before an administrative judge to appeal Social Security Administration disability claim denials in more than 130 hearing offices around the United States. Using plain and clear language, you will be ...

Mark A. Kinzie, Christine F. Hart

Product Liability Litigation

Product Liability Litigation provides a comprehensive study of product liability with instruction in the litigation practices that prepare the products lawsuit for trial. It addresses such issues as the use and understanding of written discovery, ...

Roger Leroy Miller, Frank B. Cross

The Legal and E-Commerce Environment Today

This book is specifically designed as a business oriented legal environment text. The basic philosophy behind the book allows for a look and feel of texts students are more familiar with (social science books) as opposed to an overly legal looking ...

Tony Wagner

Making the Grade: Reinventing America's Schools

Making the Grade represents the beginning of an overdue public dialogue: How can today's schools - and schools of the future - respond to sweeping societal changes if they remain mired in an obsolete system. What should all students know in the ...

<<<  Wendy Bliss. Legal, Effective References: How to Give and Get Them             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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