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John A. Quelch, Rohit Deshpande The Global Market : Developing a Strategy to Manage Across Borders (JOSSEY BASS BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SERIES)
The twin forces of ideological change and the technology revolution make globalization the single most important issue facing executives today. But many companies who have developed a presence in the global market now face the challenges inherent in
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Arlene M. Davila Latinos, Inc.: The Marketing and Making of a People
Both Hollywood and corporate America are taking note of the marketing power of the growing Latino population in the United States. And as salsa takes over both the dance floor and the condiment shelf, the influence of Latin culture is gaining
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Donald L. Potter The 50+ Boomer: Your Key to 76 Million Consumers
The 50+ Boomers are the biggest spending and most under-marketed-to group of consumers in history. Nationally known lecturer and author Don Potter explains the rewards awaiting those marketers who are ready to engage this vital group. He reveals the
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Gerardo Giannoni E-Promotions : The Value of E-Mail Marketing
This monograph brings together two distant worlds: the volatile and hyper-aggressive milieu of e-mail commerce and the practices of a traditional, multilateral institution. How does Amazon.com market books and how does the IDB distribute its
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