Tim Coelli, D. S. Prasada Rao, George E. Battese, D.S. Prasada Rao

An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis is designed as a primer for anyone seeking an authoritative introduction to efficiency and productivity analysis. It is a systematic treatment of four relatively new methodologies in ...

Graham Friend, Stefan Zehle

Guide to Business Planning (The Economist Series)

To get any new business idea off the ground you must have a plan - and if you need to raise funds to finance the business or get the approval of senior management, it must be a convincing plan. This guide covers every aspect of preparing a ...

Alan Waring, Ian Glendon

Managing Risk

This book offers a fresh perspective on the convergence of approaches to managing risk and introduces new developments in current thinking. Managing Risk pioneers an integrative and holistic approach to managing risk. Practitioners now increasingly ...

Jack M. Zimmerman, Virginia Coyle

The Way of Council

Group communication through the way of council is increasingly becoming the choice of teachers therapists community members business organizations families and couples who want to move from an AUTHORity-led format to one in which education ...

<<<  Robert Hiebeler, Thomas Kelly, Charles Ketteman, ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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