IT Manager's Handbook: Getting Your New Job Done

Are you one of many new IT managers with limited managerial experience? Are you a technician or programmer contemplating a move into IT management? Or, has your technical position evolved to include significant management responsibilities? ...

Peter Buxmann

Inter-Organizational Cooperation With Sap Solutions: Design and Management of Supply Networks (Sap Excellence)

The book describes the potential for cooperation in supply chain networks as well as the use of mySAP solutions in an inter-organizational context. The main focus is on applications from the fields of XML/EDI, data warehousing, supply chain ...

Derek Rowell, David N. Wormley

Introduction to System Dynamics

Rowell and Wormley use a linear graph approach. This contrasts with the bond graph approach or no graph approach. This is the first modern linear graph System Dynamics that has been published in 30 years. Chapters are organized so that introductory ...

Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Sushil K. Sharma

Intelligent Enterprises of the 21st Century

Business intelligence has always been considered an essential ingredient for success. However, it is not until recently that the technology has enabled organizations to generate and deploy intelligence for global competition. These technologies can ...

<<<  Thomas R. Harvey, William L. Bearley, Sharon M. ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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