Michael J. Polonsky, David S. Waller, Sage Publications Inc

Designing and Managing a Research Project: A Business Student's Guide

?The authors did an excellent job of addressing many of the ?real world? issues in conducting a business research project. They have given care to address some of the issues that often represent the major stumbling blocks for ...

J. De Gross

Information Technology and Changes in Organizational Work

Many organisations are using an increased range of information technologies to support a variety of new organisational practices and organisational forms. The book aims to investigate the integration of information technologies into work places and ...

Bobby R. Patton, Timothy M. Downs

Decision-Making Group Interaction: Achieving Quality (4th Edition)

Formerly entitled "Decision-Making Group Interaction," the new edition of this popular small group book features a new title that reflects the substantial and exciting revision it has undergone. Long known for its unique focus on ...

Stuart S. Nagel

Computer-Aided Decision Analysis

The essence of decision-aiding software is that it consists of various forms of microcomputer programming designed to enable users to process (1) a set of goals to be achieved, (2) alternatives available for achieving them, and (3) relations between ...

<<<  Rebecca L., Csp, Cmc Morgan. Calming Upset Customer: Staying Effective ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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