Woody Dorsey

Behavioral Trading: Methods for Measuring Investor Confidence, Expectations, and Market Trends

Have you ever wondered to what extent investor confidence and expectations impact stock market prices? In Behavioral Trading, stock market contrarian, Woody Dorsey, gives readers for the first time insight into his highly profitable proprietary ...

Robert D. Edwards, John Magee, W. H. C. Bassetti

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition, is a critical reference for investors--especially in today's tumultuous markets. This seminal book--the first to produce a methodology for interpreting and profiting from the predictable ...

Investor's Business Daily

Investor's Business Daily Guide to the Markets

From the Foreword by Charles Schwab "The Investor's Business Daily Guide to the Markets is. . .clear, concise, innovative, and authoritative, giving you the information you need to make important investment decisions with confidence. Whether ...

Martin J. Pring

Technician's Guide to Day and Swing Trading

MARTIN PRING ON TECHNICAL ANALYSIS McGraw-Hill's Martin Pring on Technical Analysis series introduced individual investors to the value and legitimacy of technical analysis­­helped by the worldrenowned Martin ...

<<<  The Business of Conferences : A hospitality sector overview for ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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