Johnathan Reuvid

Doing Business in South Africa

Never more relevant or timely, this new edition is fully up to date and is timed to include details from the new governments first budget. Fully researched and including contributions from the leading investment and industrial development companies, ...

Paul Leppert

Doing Business With Mexico (Global Business Series)

The Global Business Series is designed to ease the process of doing business abroad. Though each book concerns a different country, they all follow the same general format by describing how climates and geography shape unique cultures, which are ...

Davisson K. Chang

Chinese Business in America 1999-2000

-Directory of Ethnic Chinese Importers/Exporters in the U.S. -Marketing & Sourcing in the U.S. -Establishing a New Business in the U.S. -U.S. Business Laws & Immigration Regulations -Money-Saving Tips & Business Bargains ...

Maure Guirdham, Maureen Guirdham

Communicating Across Cultures

No one in the workplace is shielded from diversity. There is a widespread and urgent need to improve our ability to understand and be understood by others whose different backgrounds mean that they communicate differently. This need is greatest ...

<<<  P. Christopher Earley, Miriam Erez. The Transplanted Executive: Why You ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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