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The Murphy-Kirk-Beresford Correspondence, 1982-1996
This volume faithfully reproduces the public correspondence between Mr. Thomas A. Murphy, former Board Chairman of General Motors Corporation, and two accounting leaders, during the latter two's term of service as Chair of the Financial Accounting
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Jack Broyles Financial Management and Real Options
Financial Management and Real Options provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of financial management. Jack Broyles’ writing style makes concepts more easily understood and chapters significantly shorter than in comparable
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Masahiko Aoki, Gary R. Saxonhouse Finance, Governance, and Competitiveness in Japan (Japan Business and Economics Series)
This volume brings together the research of many of the world's leading specialists on the Japanese economy to assess how Japan's distinctive economic institutions have operated in the past and how their evolution in the face of changing domestic
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John Knight Performance Measurement in Finance
The distinction between out-performance of an Investment fund or plan manager vs rewards for taking risks is at the heart of all discussions on Investment fund performance measurement of fund managers. This issue is not always well-understood and
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