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Frank Riedel Imperfect Information and Investor Heterogeneity in the Bond Market (Contributions to Economics)
Real world investors differ in their tastes and attitudes and they do not have, in general, perfect information about the future prospects of the economy. Most theoretical models, however, assume to the contrary that investors are homogeneous and
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Frances McGinnity Welfare For The Unemployed In Britain And Germany: Who Benefits?
In recent decades, the problem of unemployment has generated fierce political and academic discussion on how national governments should address this issue. This book sheds light on a key debate in unemployment policy - that of whether unemployment
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Masahisa Fujita Urban Economic Theory: Land Use and City Size
This book examines the economic reasons why people choose to live where they live and develops, through analysis of the bid rent function, a unified theory of urban land use and city size. The first part of the book explicates the basic theory of
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Shinji Ogura Banking, the State and Industrial Promotion in Developing Japan, 1900 to 73 (Studies in the Modern Japanese Economy)
Shinji Ogura's insightful examination of the banking structure of developing Japan shows how Japanese banks became embroiled in the recent financial crisis. He demonstrates that the behavior of banks heading commercial groups was crucial to the
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