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James D. Gwartney, Robert Lawson, James Gwartney, Neil Emerick Economic Freedom of the World, 2003 Annual Report
This 7th global economic freedom report, by James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, ranks 123 nations for 2001, the most recent year for which data are available. The report also updates data in earlier reports in instances where data have been revised.
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Lynne Brydon, Karen Legge Adjusting Society: The World Bank, the Imf and Ghana (International Library of African Studies, 5)
Since 1983 Ghana has become a test case of the efficacy of the World Bank and the IMF's stabilization and adjustment-based lending policies. The government has "bitten the IMF bullet" with a vengeance, with deregulated currency, liberalized
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Hans Kung A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics
As the twentieth century draws to a close and the rush to globalization gathers momentum, political and economic considerations are crowding out vital ethical questions about the shape of our future. Now, Hans Kung, one of the world's preeminent
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Gary Gereffi, Miguel Korzeniewicz Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism
In the past two decades, industrialization on a world scale has undergone significant shifts. This volume develops a new set of conceptual categories for analyzing new patterns of global economic organization. The contributors to this volume explore
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