Charles Van Der Leeuw

Oil and Gas in the Caucasus & Caspian: A History

The impact of oil and oil-related interests on economic, social and political conditions and development for the next century holds implications that reach from the Caspian heartland to the world's most distant shores. This book is the first ...

Volker Bronschier

State-Building in Europe: The Revitalization of Western European Integration

The relaunch of European integration in the 1980s and 1990s will affect profoundly the continent's course in the twenty-first century. The European Commission, bureaucratic cabinets, national diplomats, transnational companies, pressure groups and ...

Ash Amin, John Tomaney

Behind the Myth of European Union: Prospects for Cohesion

Behind the Myth of European Union explores the real potential for cohesion in Europe. It assesses the difficulties facing less favored regions in the context of the Community's policies on economic integration and social cohesion and the wider ...

Dan Briody

The Halliburton Agenda : The Politics of Oil and Money

"Having been a lifelong public servant with no business experience, Cheney was hired by Halliburton in 1995 because of his understanding of the nation?s political tendencies and his extensive contacts both on Capitol Hill and at the Pentagon. ...

<<<  Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira, Jose Maria Maravall, Adam Przeworski. ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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