Andrew Reeve, Andrew Williams

Real Libertarianism Assessed: Political Theory after Van Parijs

Philippe Van Parijs's Real Freedom for All is widely acclaimed for providing not only the most sophisticated defense of unconditional basic income, but also a rigorous examination of many central issues within contemporary political theory. ...

Carol Thomas Neely

Distracted Subjects: Madness and Gender in Shakespeare and Early Modern Culture

In the first book to provide a feminist analysis of early modern madness, Carol Thomas Neely reveals the mobility and heterogeneity of discourses of "distraction," the most common term for the condition in late-sixteenth- and ...

Sergio A. Castello, Terutomo Ozawa

Globalization of Small Economies as a Strategic Behavior in International Business (Transnational Business and Corporate Culture: Problems and Opportunities)

This book postulates the proposition that small economies exhibit a higher degree of outward orientation and structural adaptability, compared to their larger counterparts within the context of the European Union and two case studies (i.e. Catalonia ...

Alan M. Rugman, Gavin Boyd

Deepening Integration in the Pacific Economies: Corporate Alliances, Contestable Markets, and Free Trade (Elgar Reference Collection)

The Pacific is a high growth region, comprising East Asian market economy states, North America, China, Australia and New Zealand. This book examines the area's rapidly expanding pattern of corporate competition and cooperation, which is assisting ...

<<<  Dean Baker, Gerald A. Epstein, Robert Pollin. Globalization ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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