Singapore a Spy Guide

Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt ...

William C. Kirby, Man-Houng Lin, James Chin Shih, David A. Pietz

State and Economy in Republican China: A Handbook for Scholars (Harvard East Asian Monographs, 193)

This manual for students focuses on archival research in the economic and business history of the Republican era (1911-1949). Following a general discussion of archival research and research aids for the Republican period, the handbook introduces ...

Joel I. Nelson

Post-Industrial Capitalism: Exploring Economic Inequality in America

An alternative framework for examining and explaining the widening economic and social stratification within United States society is provided in this book. Until now, two points of view - Marxist and industrialist - have dominated the discourse. ...

Jonathan Reuvid, Nick Sljivic

Doing Business with Hungary, 3e

Doing Business with Hungary provides an appraisal of the new economic and investment climate, an update on market potential in the key sectors, and unique practice advice on all areas of investing in and/or trading with Hungary. Includes business ...

<<<  Frans Van Waarden, Gerhard Lehmbruch, Frans Van Waarden. ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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