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David Kennett A New View of Comparative Economics With Infotrac
A comprehensive reevaluation of the nature of economic systems across the globe, A New View of Comparative Economic Systems is today's choice for today's world. This exciting text is not merely a re-treading of an obsolete Soviet-oriented text, but
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Lawrence R. Klein Comparative Performance of U.S. Econometric Models
This volume compares strategic properties of the leading macroeconometric models of the United States. It summarizes the work of an ongoing seminar supported by the National Science Foundation and chaired by Lawrence R. Klein of the University of
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William T. Alpert, Stephen A. Woodbury Employee Benefits and Labor Markets in Canada and the United States
This book fills the need for vigorous, policy-relevant research on the linkages between labor markets and the provision of benefits by employers and governments.
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James Macdonald A Free Nation Deep in Debt: The Financial Roots of Democracy
Nowadays, the idea that the way a country borrows its money is connected to what kind of government it has comes as a surprise to most people. But in the eighteenth century it was commonly accepted that public debt and political liberty were
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