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Anne McKinney Real-Resumes for Sales
Real-Resumes for Sales is based on the philosophy that the resumes and cover letters of sales professionals must be "a cut above" the ordinary job hunter's documents. The Table of Contents is designed to show individuals in numerous types of sales
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Peggy Schmidt The Job Hunter's Catalog
An easy-to-use compendium of practical information, valuable advice, and friendly guidance for today's job hunter The Job Hunter's Catalog Here's a guide to job hunting that puts everything you need to land the job of your dreams right
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McKay Civil Service Handbook (Arco Civil Service Test Tutor)
This handbook is everything an applicant needs to search and apply for a civil service job. It provides updated information about the most popular federal, state, and municipal jobs, application procedures, salary and job responsibilities, and
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U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2002-2003 Edition
The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) has come a long way since its first edition in the 1940s--replete with positions fueled by a wartime economy. One thing has not changed, however: for more than 50 years, the OOH has been
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