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Alvis J. Evans Basic Digital Electronics
Basic Digital Electronics will teach you the difference between analog and digital systems. The functions required to design digital systems, circuits used to make decisions, code conversions, and data selections are discussed.
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Stephen Herman, Bennie Sparkman Electricity & Controls for HVAC-R, 4E
Now in its fourth edition, Electricity and Controls for HVAC/R equips readers with the information needed to work effectively with all types of motors and control devices found in the heating and air conditioning industry. Prior knowledge of
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Truman C. Surbrook, Jonathan R. Althouse, Jonathon Althouse Interpreting the National Electrical Code
Fully updated and based on the 2002 NEC®, the sixth edition of Interpreting the National Electrical Code® continues to offer valuable insights into 100% of the articles in the Code, explaining each in detail and offering practical examples
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Walter N. Alerich, Stephen L. Herman Electric Motor Control
This highly practical approach to a difficult topic makes Electric Motor Control an especially useful and effective tool for anyone who will install, monitor and/or maintain motor controls. The book begins by introducing the simplest of equipment
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