Amit K. Maitra

Internet Solutions for Project Managers

A complete guide to using the Internet to improve project management performance Empowered by a new generation of Internet technologies and Web applications, managers can now work together from virtually anywhere in the world and on any platform to ...

Phil Lowe

McGraw-Hill One-Day Workshop: Empowering Individuals

Whether you're an experienced trainer or a virtual novice, McGraw-Hill One-Day Workshops pack all the scripts, readings, exercises, slides, and other materials you need to train unlimited groups of 6 to 20 employees at your pace, on your schedule, ...

Mendy Kwestel, Michael Preston, Gary Plaster

The Road to Success: How to Manage Growth: The Grant Thorton LLP Guide for Entrepreneurs

"An excellent road map for the entrepreneur . . . straightforward . . . has immediate application . . . provides insight into growing a company strategically."—Mike Valentine President BASYS Technologies "Practical, useful, and ...

Ted Hutchin

Constraint Management in Manufacturing: Optimising the Supply Chain

This book is about making money out of the supply chain. There is much discussion about what exactly supply chain management really is and how the principle of 'Lean Management' can be properly applied to manufacturing. The approach developed by Dr. ...

<<<  Christopher L. Culp, William A. Niskanen, Christopher L. Culp, ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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