Michael Goold, Andrew Campbell

Designing Effective Organizations: How to Create Structured Networks

'Goold and Campbell, leading thinkers on corporate-level strategy, have turned their attention to corporate-level organization design. They bring a rigor to this topic that will help managers wrestling with multiple reporting dimensions, ...

Seth Allcorn

Death of the Spirit in the American Workplace

There's more to work and the life of the organization than just numbers. In his new book on how people function in work settings, Allcorn calls it the human spirit. It too contributes to the life and performance of organizations, but life itself it ...

Ron Sanchez

Knowledge Management and Organizational Competence

Today's management thinking is centered on two fields: knowledge management and competence-based approaches to strategic management. Drawing on research by noted scholars in the fields, this volume will provide new theoretical impetus for management ...

Jeanne M. Plas, Susan E. Lewis

Person-Centered Leadership for Nonprofit Organizations: Management That Works in High Pressure Systems

This book describes an approach to participatory management and leadership that has proven effective for organizations in U.S. and other western countries where people won?t permit teambuilding to develop to the exclusion of individuality. ...

<<<  Edwin E. Olson, Glenda H. Eoyang, Richard Beckhard, Peter Vaill. ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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