Niclas Adler, A. B. Shani, Alexander Styhre, Abraham B. Shani

Collaborative Research in Organizations: Foundations for Learning, Change, and Theoretical Development

Collaborative Research in Organizations: Foundations for Learning, Change, and Theoretical Development leverages and sustains the role of management research while increasing the theoretical development of complex organizational and ...

Christina M. Anastasia

Karma & the Art of Business

A New-Age look at running a profitable and honest business. Karma & the Art of Business is a fun, yet serious look at business techniques and protocol in a time when corporate corruption fills the headlines. Author Christina Anastasia and her ...

Diana Winstanley, Jean Woodall

Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management

Against a backdrop of contextual changes such as the recent government pledges for the UK to sign up to the social chapter, proposed changes to equal opportunity and discrimination legislation, and the push for stakeholder approaches to ...

John Kidd, Frank-Jurgen Richter

Corruption and Governance in Asia

This book delves into the nature of governance in Asia both at government and corporate level. It reviews the history and suggests potential solutions for years of underperformance due to the corrupt practices that have developed because of a poor ...

<<<  Howard S. Cohen, Michael Feldberg. Power and Restraint             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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