Marlene Caroselli

Interpersonal Skills: The Professional Development Series

It has been estimated that 95% of workplace success depends on understanding and communicating well with co-workers, supervisors and customers. In this seventh title, from South-Western's popular Professional Development Series, Interpersonal Skills ...

Cyril Charney, Cy Charney

The Portable Mentor: Your Anywhere, Anytime Career Coach and Problem Solver

Up-and-coming professionals may have smarts, but they don't have all the answers. Every day presents issues they've never had to consider before. They'll be thankful for The Portable Mentor . This one-stop resource is jam-packed with hundreds ...

A. A. Cantor

Lights, Cubicle, Action! 100+ Directives for Survival in Corporate America

Lights! is the first in a series of three books shining truth on life?s fiction. The book captures the essence of corporate reality with a humorous yet insightful display of original business "anti-quotes." Lights, Cubicle, Action! is a ...

Todd A. Gates

Why Do We Have to Work?

Back in the hunting and gathering days, the answer to the question "Why do we have to work?" was straightforward: you hunted because you were hungry, skinned animals because you needed clothing, and built a shelter for protection. Today the answer ...

<<<  K. D. Lawrence. Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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