William E. Alexander, Carl-Johan Lindgren, Liam P. Ebrill, Jeffrey M. Davis

Systemic Bank Restructuring and Macroeconomic Policy

This volume discusses cross-country restructuring experiences, building on the foundation laid by its predecessor Bank Soundness and Macroeconomic Policy. It discusses broad principles and actions to guide policymakers in restructuring their banking ...

Donald H Chew

The New Corporate Finance

This book is comprised of 45 articles written by top researchers and theorists in finance. The text is meant to bridge the gap between financial theory and practice. It gives instructors a way to introduce students to academic articles edited to ...

Adrian Slywotzky

The Art of Profitability

What do Barbie dolls, Nokia phones, and American Express credit cards have in common? They all represent a powerful business model called pyramid profit. How about Intel, Microsoft, and Stephen King? They all exploit another model called value chain ...

Benjamin Hunt

The Timid Corporation : Why Business is Terrified of Taking Risk

'This book provides a much needed critical intervention in the governance and risk management mania that has characterised corporate regulation in the past ten years. Benjamin Hunt challenges us to reinterpret the mantras of brand management, ...

<<<  Kevin Danaher, Anarudha Mittal. 10 Reasons ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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